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Encino Personal Injury Blog

I Got into a Car Accident, What Do I Do Now?

I Got into a Car Accident, What Do I Do Now?

What you do in the immediate aftermath of an accident can help or harm your insurance claim! Remember, it's never a bad idea to talk to a local lawyer.

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The Hazards of Truck Cargo Spills

The Hazards of Truck Cargo Spills

Hazardous chemicals and dangerous cargo can make a minor semi-truck accident far more dangerous - especially in bumper-to-bumper Los Angeles.

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The Dreadful 405

The Dreadful 405

Being Encino car accident lawyers, we see a lot of crashes at the on-ramps and interchanges for the 405 and the 101. What can you do to stay safer?

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Stay Safe While Trick-or-Treating in the Valley

Stay Safe While Trick-or-Treating in the Valley

Halloween is many people's favorite holiday, especially in LA: a chance to dress up, be silly, and get a bunch of candy for our efforts. And while the weather

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A Slip in a Big-Box Store Can Result in Major Injury

A Slip in a Big-Box Store Can Result in Major Injury

Unsafe conditions like spills, freshly-mopped floors, and debris in aisles can often result in a fall. And the injuries they cause aren't funny.

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Put the Phone Down! It Can Wait

Put the Phone Down! It Can Wait

Do you know California's laws on distracted driving? Here are the 3 big things you should know.

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4 Vital Steps After a Motorcycle Crash

4 Vital Steps After a Motorcycle Crash

You need to protect yourself and preserve evidence, in that order. Don't hesitate to contact a local lawyer for more information!

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Let Novik Law Group Help You on the Road to Success!

Let Novik Law Group Help You on the Road to Success!

Our Los Angeles-based law firm is offering a $1,000 scholarship to students nationwide. Please read the requirements and apply by June 6, 2019!

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When You Need a Los Angeles Intersection Accident Attorney

When You Need a Los Angeles Intersection Accident Attorney

It's no secret to anyone that Los Angeles has a traffic problem - but the danger isn't just on our freeways. According to the National Highway and Traffic Safety

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I Fell Down A Staircase – Whose Fault Is It?

I Fell Down A Staircase – Whose Fault Is It?

With all the things news anchors try to scare us about every night, something as mundane as stairs might not seem like a big deal. But they can be.

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