Stay Safe While Trick-or-Treating in the Valley
Halloween is many people’s favorite holiday, especially in LA: a chance to dress up, be silly, and get a bunch of candy for our efforts. And while the weather here in California is perfect for evening trick-or-treating, it is important for kids (and their parents) to stay safe while patrolling the neighborhood for ghoulish treats.
Safe Costumes
Safe trick-or-treating starts with a safe costume. Costumes should not drag on the ground or be tight around the legs, both of which create tripping dangers. Kids should be able to see clearly while in their costume, so any monstrous mask they wear needs large eyeholes and should fit well so that it does not shift and obstruct their vision. Costumes for trick-or-treating should be light-colored whenever possible, and if dark in color, they should include some kind of reflectors so that the wearer can be seen by other pedestrians and vehicles.
Sidewalk and Street Safety
With so many people out on the sidewalks for one evening, it can get pretty crowded out there. Be good pedestrians and share the sidewalks with others, both living and undead. Adults should instruct their kids to go single-file when passing others. No one should be pushing or shoving on sidewalks. That can result in falls and broken bones, or at the very least, hurt feelings. As trick-or-treaters cross streets, they should watch out for cars and other traffic, and stay on the sidewalk until it is safe to cross!
Other Tips and Tricks
As the witching hour approaches, it’s important for trick-or-treaters to have flashlights so they remain visible and can see the sidewalk in front of them. Glow sticks can work well for visibility, but are not a great choice for sidewalk safety. Young children should always be accompanied by an adult while trick-or-treating, and adults should use it as an opportunity to teach safe pedestrian habits to their kids.
Finally, it’s always a good idea for parents to look over the candy their children received, and to control how much candy they gorge themselves on. Maybe take a piece or two for the effort.
We hope this helps, and Happy Halloween! Remember, we are attorneys based in the Valley, so if you or a loved one are injured in a pedestrian accident, don’t be scared to stand up for your rights. Call Novik Law Group, A Professional Law Corporation, at (888) 846-4771 for a free consultation.
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